Program Self Assessment – Building Culture

Building Culture


1. List and define the Core Values of your program


2. Do you have Non-Negotiables within your program?  If so, what are they and what are the consequences for violating them?


3. What are your standards for behavior?  What are the consequences for violating these standards?


4. What are the expectations for each level of your program?


5. What is your discipline plan?  What are the consequences for violating the various components of this plan?


6. What is your academic plan?  


7. What resources and methods will you use to coach your coaches?


8. What is your philosophy on captains?  Who selects the captains?


9. What are your plans for team building?


10. How will you sell your program to prospective athletes, the school, and the community?


11.  What is your plan for developing support for your program through the student body?


12.  Does your program have a motto?  Does it change every season or is it traditional?


13.  How do you plan to keep former players involved in your program?  Do you have a plan for honoring players who have completed your program?